NYC PREMIERE Mo Scarpelli’s creative documentary focuses on a lonely, imaginative Ethiopian boy named Asalif. Displaced by condo developments, Asalif and his mother struggle to make ends meet. With sweeping camera work and light-filled frames, the film gently probes the young boy’s interior world as he processes isolation and displacement. Creating an alternative identity as a ferocious lion—the meaning of the film’s title—Asalif learns to survive. Pushing the boundaries of standard nonfiction form, Anbessa is a testament to resiliency.

Co-presented by Rooftop Films and Human Rights Watch Film Festival


2019 - ANBESSA

Director: Mo Scarpelli
Executive Producer: Gelila Bekele, Danielle Perissi
Producer: Caitlin Mae Burke, Mo Scarpelli
Writer: Mo Scarpelli
Cinematographer: Mo Scarpelli
Editor: Nico Leunen, Thomas Pooters
Music: Erik K Skodvin
Language: Amharic
Country: Italy, USA
Year: 2019
Publicist: Caitlin Hughes PR