WORLD PREMIERE This coming-of-age story focuses on Kyle Westphal, an isolated autistic boy who’s fascinated by fabric and emerges from an experimental autism treatment program to become a fashion designer. Westphal’s family looks back on twenty years of his development with candor and humor. The film combines observational footage, archival material, and animation to chronicle how a passion for fashion transformed Kyle and his family. – Thom Powers

The November 15th screening will be followed by a Q&A with Directors Dan Crane, Katie Taber and film subjects Kyle Westphal and Jennifer Westphal and moderated by Emilia Petrarca of The Cut. The November 18th screening with Directors Dan Crane and Katie Taber, Producer Joe Plummer and film subject Kyle Westphal.

All guests & staff will be required to comply with our Health & Safety protocols while attending DOC NYC events. For the latest information, please review our policies here.

Director: Dan Crane, Katie Taber
Executive Producer: Jenifer Westphal
Producer: Joe Plummer
Writer: Dan Crane
Cinematographer: Martina Radwan, Derek Wiesehahn
Editor: Drew Blatman, Amanda Larson
Music: Jackson Greenberg
Language: English
Country: USA
Year: 2021
Publicist: MPRM
US Distributor: Greenwich Entertainment