NYC PREMIERE Thirteen years after their Oscar-nominated animated collaboration Chico & Rita, Spanish artists Fernando Trueba and Javier Mariscal reunite to explore the origin story of bossa nova, the universally beloved Brazilian music movement. With gorgeous hand-drawn frames and vivid colors, THEY SHOT THE PIANO PLAYER examines the 1976 disappearance of Brazilian piano virtuoso, Francisco Tenório Júnior as the totalitarian movement sweeping Latin American began clamping down on artists and those fighting for the freedom of expression that connects all peoples. – Jaie Laplante
This film contains the following accessibility options for viewers:
Closed Captioning for in-person screenings at IFC Center and Village East by Angelika
All in-person screening venues provide sound amplification headphones upon request with venue management. IFC Center can also provide a T-Coil loop for compatible devices.
Director: Fernando Trueba, Javier Mariscal, Fernando Trueba, Javier Mariscal, Fernando Trueba, Javier Mariscal
Executive Producer: Nano Arrieta, Fabien Westerhof, Nano Arrieta, Fabien Westerhof, Nano Arrieta, Fabien Westerhof
Producer: Cristina Huete, Serge Lalou (co-producer), Sophie Cabon (co-producer), Bruno Felix (co-producer), Janneke Van Der Kerkhof (co-producer), Femke Wolling (co-producer), Humberto Santana (co-producer), Cristina Huete, Serge Lalou (co-producer), Sophie Cabon (co-producer), Bruno Felix (co-producer), Janneke Van Der Kerkhof (co-producer), Femke Wolling (co-producer), Humberto Santana (co-producer), Cristina Huete, Serge Lalou (co-producer), Sophie Cabon (co-producer), Bruno Felix (co-producer), Janneke Van Der Kerkhof (co-producer), Femke Wolling (co-producer), Humberto Santana (co-producer)
Editor: Arnau Quiles, Arnau Quiles, Arnau Quiles
Language: English, Portuguese, Spanish, English, Portuguese, Spanish, English, Portuguese, Spanish
Country: Spain, France, Spain, France, Spain, France
Publicist: Hook Publicity, Hook Publicity, Hook Publicity
US Distributor: Sony Pictures Classics