DOC NYC Diversity & Equity Initiatives for 2020 and Beyond
June 26, 2020

- Commit to expansion of ‘Only In New York’ such that half of its fellows continue to come from open submissions, while the other half of its fellows are admitted in collaboration with various key partner organizations that specifically support filmmakers of color. In order to make this work without introducing new stresses on these organizations’ operations and resources, DOC NYC will develop a process that provides additional structure and support to help identify candidates in partnership with these organizations.
- Commit to expansion of no-cost access to DOC NYC PRO for all high school- and college-aged filmmakers that are enrolled in school. In 2020, all high school and college students will get free access to all DOC NYC PRO programs. In 2021 and beyond, some adjustments may be made due to capacity issues but free slots will continue to be offered to all high school students and a generous allotment of free slots will be provided to both local and distant colleges with media programs to give to their students.
- Commit to expand and diversify DOC NYC U in 2020 to allow DOC NYC U short film showcases for additional colleges. This expansion outreach will include community colleges, junior colleges, and colleges outside the NYC area, including HBCU schools. Given the 2020 festival’s focus on online programs, this year provides a prime opportunity to expand DOC NYC U to non-NYC institutions; envisioning a 2021 return to ‘normal’ screenings in theaters, the festival will develop processes to continue to engage with educational partners beyond the NYC region.
- Commit to expand the accessibility of DOC NYC screenings as well as industry and educational programming for audiences with disabilities. Online and other technological innovations being developed for general program access for 2020 should be implemented in future years as baseline tools to allow greater access for audiences and filmmakers with disabilities (e.g. captioning for conversations and sharing transcripts).