#DOCNYCalum on DVD this week!

July 31, 2014


A mysterious nanny, who secretly took over 100,000 photographs that were hidden in storage lockers and discovered decades later, is now considered among the 20th century’s greatest photographers. Maier’s strange and riveting life and art are revealed through never before seen photographs, films, and interviews with dozens who thought they knew her.

7/29: IN NO GREAT HURRY (DOC NYC 2013) on DVD.

Together with contemporaries Diane Arbus and Robert Frank, Saul Leiter is recognized as one of the founders of The New York School of photography of the 1940s and ‘50s, but he never sought the spotlight. Instead, he’s worked steadily, amassing an archive that threatens to take over the NYC apartment he’s called home since 1946. Though initially reticent, the self-effacing, and occasionally cantankerous, Leiter welcomes director Tomas Leach into his realm, offering a poignant reflection on his life, art and work.


Stretching beyond the limits of the classic character study documentary, More Than the Rainbow not only chronicles the life and times of street photographer and former taxi driver Matt Weber, it becomes a vibrant conversation about the photographic medium, artistic expression, and New York City. Reflecting upon photography at the end of the analog age, the film is highlighted by gorgeous 35mm montage sequences set to the music of jazz legend Thelonious Monk.

8/5: BREASTMILK (DOC NYC 2013) on DVD and VOD.

Bypassing the breastmilk vs. formula debate, Dana Ben-Ari’s film instead looks at the practical, societal, and biological realities faced by women who choose to breastfeed. Why are so few nursing mothers able to breastfeed exclusively? What has made a natural biological act into a taboo public activity? Where can an adoptive mother turn if she wants the benefits of breastmilk for her child? With candor and humor, mothers and other experts discuss the challenges, misconceptions and fears around mother’s milk.

View BREASTMILK director Dana Ben-Ari’s DOC NYC Q&A.

We have over 300 alumni films we’ve presented throughout the past four years at DOC NYC. Follow us on Twitter and friend us on Facebook to stay up to date with all their latest news. (And alumni filmmakers, we love hearing from you so keep us updated on your film!)